Sunday, May 25, 2014

Stop The Excuses - The Servant Savior Series

As we follow Jesus in the book of Mark, He is approached by many people in need. Out of the thousands around Him only two receive what they need from Jesus. What set them apart? They were relentless, humble, honest, and full of faith. Stop the excuses and get to Jesus in faith. He's ready to do the impossible for those who ask!

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Danger from Sea to Shore - The Servant Savior Series

As we follow Jesus, there will be many opportunities for our faith to lapse and our fear to take over. Whether it's an everyday obstacle or a supernatural attack, we can be sure we will face challenges as we follow Jesus. However, even more sure than the battle is the guarantee of victory!

Monday, May 12, 2014

More Than A Story - The Servant Savior Series

In this installment of The Servant Savior series, we learn some deep spiritual truths about God's Kingdom, Jesus' ministry and our growth. But Jesus doesn't just say it how it is - He gives the truth in the form of a story in order to provoke thinking and cause growth. Prepare your heart and open your ears - God will speak and you will grow if you'll listen closely.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

The Day Fear Died - Easter Message

People around the world gather on Easter to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. But many people miss the point. What's the big deal about the resurrection? The day Jesus rose was the day fear died. Because Jesus lives, our hope is alive and death is dead!
"Do not be afraid. I am He who lives." - Jesus Christ

Sunday, April 13, 2014

The Dirty Work - The Servant Savior Series

"The Parable of the Sower" is more accurately called "The Parable of the Soil." It's more about the response of the hearers than the skill of the preacher. We all have a responsibility to God's Word. As we prayerfully dig  for truth, God will reveal it to us, producing fruit in our lives. But remember, sharing and applying God's Word is dirty, challenging work.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Family Reunion - The Servant Savior Series

The Servant Savior, Jesus, came to serve and save those in rebellion against Him. He didn't come to put on a show, but to inspire action and devotion in the lives of those who love Him. If your faith is alive, it will cause action in your life and draw you closer to Jesus.